Friday, August 18, 2006

The Watson Numbers

11 countries
9 canyons
6 cell phone numbers
7 pairs of shoes or sandals
26 flights
24 airports
19,190 maximum elevation (feet)
628 kilometers cycling
0 fish caught
376 kilometers hiking
50 ATM trips
5 friends from UPS seen
25,000 dollars

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I have finally made it back to the US. I thought it fitting to enter the country in the state that George W. Bush calls home - the immigration officer even asked me what my country of citizenship was while scanning my US passport. I was temted to make up a name of a country just to see what he would say. Something with a "stan" in it.

On the bright side, I am starting a job at Taos Ski Valley after Labor Day. I am excited, though there are a lot of things you have to do to restart your life. In the mean time I head to North Carolina this weekend for the Watson Conference.

Here are some photos from my last canyon.