Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Two shots, both arms. Medicine is amazing - vaccines especially. I upped my Polio, vaccinated against Meningococcus (although I managed to survive both the dorms and Sigma Nu without getting Meningococcus, so I believe that it's likely I'm already immune...). Also Yellow Fever and Hepatitis A. The typhoid immunization pills are for after Ride the Rockies, which is all next week and where I hope not to feel like I have a mild case of Yellow Fever. Nothing like flu symptoms on a 90 mile ride with 7,000 feet in elevation gain. But again, I think my immune system is quite strong (see dorms and Sigma Nu point above).

So, calls to the doctor tomorrow about malaria medicine and rabies vaccination. Then time to purchase travel health insurance. It seems a little funny that I am getting all these medicines and vaccines and then getting insurance.

Also, I just stumbled upon this website and I think that in a lot of ways this dude is an example of things I would like to do in my life, and jobs I would like to have (although not the running part): http:www.owen.org

And one more thing: I bought a new tent but I am concerned that it is too small and light (can such a thing exist for the backpacker?) so I spent the night in it last night in the back yard just like when I was little. Thankfully the sprinklers go off on Wednesday mornings and not Tuesdays. It was pretty fun to sleep in the back yard, and especially welcome to feel like I was camping but still have my favorite pillow - and a refrigerator to raid.


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